Austin Waters Of The United States

As someone who works in industrial, environmental, or commercial hygiene or management, you are likely generally aware of what someone is referring to when they speak of Austin waters of the United States (WOTUS). You may not be aware of some of the changes in interpretation that this waters of the United States in Austin TX rule has undergone in recent years. Our consultants here at Environmental Science and Engineering Partners (ESE) can explain these changes and how they apply to you and your operations.

Your knowledge of and compliance with any existing rules, regulations and laws, including the Austin waters of the United States, is key to your Texas company operations.

What Is the Waters of the United States in Austin TX rule?

  1. traditional navigable waters (TNWs),
  2. wetlands adjacent to TNWs,
  3. non-navigable tributaries of TNWs that are relatively permanent (i.e. tributaries that typically flow year-round or have continuous flow at least seasonally),
  4. wetlands that directly such tributaries, and
  5. water bodies that have a significant nexus with a TNW.

The determination of a jurisdictional wetland is based on the wetland criteria referenced in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987), as amended by USACE memorandum dated August 23 and 27, 1991, and March 6, 1992, Questions and Answers to the 1987 Manual dated October 7, 1991

You probably notice that there is not a clear distinction between these two types of bodies of water. You may still wonder what this all should mean to you in your role.

How Our Consultants Here at ESE Can Help

We’ll want to take time to get to know your operations before advising you of the applicability of this concept to your business. Reach out to us by phone at (512) 859-6500 or email us at so that we can learn more about your operations and can assess how the Austin waters of the United States may apply to your company.


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