Houston Phase 1 Cultural Resources Assessments

For a development project to remain in compliance and meet state and federal regulations, Houston Phase I Cultural Resources Assessments provide information about cultural sites present with a tract before development begins. With this type of assessment, archeological resources can be identified and assessed for historic significance within the site. Architectural studies regularly include nearby tracts of land within the viewshed of the development as well.

Houston Phase I Cultural Resources Assessments can provide detailed information about the history and significance of any remaining cultural resources within a development tract. The effort typically begins with a desktop archival review to determine if any previous investigations have occurred within the tract boundaries and if anything of significance was found.

When Phase I Cultural Resources Assessments in Houston TX reveal archeological sites of unknown significance, Phase II Archaeological Testing and Evaluations provide further information about the site’s eligibility for inclusion on to the National Register of Historic Places and can determine whether or not the site should be avoided or if efforts to mitigate site impacts are warranted.

When Houston Phase I Cultural Assessments reveal significant cultural resources, a recommendation to avoid the site can sometimes be made from that level of data alone. If after Phase I Cultural resources assessments in Houston TX, the site cannot be avoided, the project progresses to Phase III requiring mitigative efforts including excavation to recover as much data as possible from the site before it is disturbed or destroyed.


Historic and Cultural Resource Assessment

Cultural resources provide us with valuable information about an area and the human activity that has occurred or is presently active. This can include prehistoric sites on undeveloped land, places where significant events took place, buildings, parks, sculptures, or other objects.


Environmental Science and Engineering Partners Environmental Consulting Firm

With headquarters in Houston, TX, ESE Partners provides the support and guidance businesses need for responsible environmental problem solving, like Phase I Cultural resources assessments in Houston TX.

Our expert team can help with assessment, evaluation, mitigation, remediation, and compliance. We effectively move projects forward and deliver opportunity to stakeholders.

Connect with ESE Partners and we can provide you with responsive strategies that can move your business forward.


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