Golden-cheeked warbler (GCWA) is a small endangered songbird found along the Edwards Plateau of central Texas. These beautiful birds are endangered because their breeding grounds on tall juniper and oak woodlands have been cleared due to development.

Why have a GCWA Survey?
Saves the developer time and money! Avoidance of the species will likely allow U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to interfere. Inevitably, this can slow the project down, thus effecting overall costs.

How does this effect development/project timelines if present?
Determining the absence of the species can lengthen the window of construction opportunity.
Determining the presence of the species can help avoid take by identifying areas where GCWA are likely to be adversely affected. Should birds be found on the property, the developer can prioritize construction in un-occupied habitat during nesting season.

ESE’s staff are permitted by the USFWS to conduct GCWA presence/absence surveys and are ready to stand by for assistance! Contact ESE today to find out if your project could benefit from a GCWA survey.