ESE recently conducted a Phase I ESA for a real estate and private equity investment and development firm at an industrial warehouse facility in Dallas. The results from Phase I included prior on-site contamination which had received regulatory closure under the TCEQ’s Industrial and Hazardous Waste Corrective Action (IHWCA) Program in the late 2000’s. A handful of permanent groundwater monitoring wells used to assess and monitor the releases of fuels and solvents had remained in place. ESE’s recommendation was to plug and abandon the existing permanent monitoring wells by removing the well screen and casing. We filled the holes with concrete and bentonite clay per Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation requirements. Plugging reports were then submitted to the Texas Water Development Board per requirements.
Plug and abandonment of monitoring wells in Dallas, Texas
by ESE Partners | Jul 28, 2023 | DFW, Due Diligence/ Remediation, Real Estate | 0 comments