Webb County Solar Site

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Services Performed

ESE conducted wetland delineations, threatened and endangered species habitat evaluations, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, and oversaw cultural resources studies for a purposed 3,925-acre utility-scale solar installation in South Texas. Wetland delineations and jurisdictional determinations were conducted in accordance with USACE procedures for determinations and determinations defined by Title 33 Code of Federal Regulation part 328 (33 CFR 328) and according to guidance within the Jurisdictional Determination Form Instructional Guidebook. Threatened and endangered species habitat evaluations included assessment of the project area for suitable habitat for special status species and assessing species observations that have been documented by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The evaluation documented existing Site conditions and assessed the areas for the presence of the specific habitat types required for state- or federally-listed rare, threatened, and endangered species, as well as migratory birds, based on review of the USFWS IPaC website. The Phase I ESA was conducted in accordance with ASTM E 1527-13 guidance for approximately 3,925 acres and included site history and records reviews (aerial photographs, site maps or plans, and review of previous environmental reports), user and owner/occupant questionnaires, review of regulatory database reports (including federal, state and local agencies), review of physical setting sources (flood plain maps, topographic maps, geologic maps, and oil and gas maps), and review of county appraisal district information. ESE oversaw and reviewed a desktop assessment of cultural resources within the Site. The findings were used to support the placement of project features and planning for additional survey efforts. A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment was conducted in order to determine the presence of, and likely limits of contamination associated with a historical cattle dip vat located within the Site.